You versus society norms.

You only know what you really want in life, therefore should be the only person to determine what your definition of success is.No one has to go with the norm ,whereby success is determined by your works in life,it is perfectly ok to go at your own pace. I think the coach in me,will be, to help you achieve with you,whatever it is you set out for yourself. It may be to be a healthy person, all through your life, It may be,to be more social,it may be to love your family more, to manage your time better or even travel the world.You know, what you want your life to stand for. Money is a means to an end, money makes life easier and gives you more options, But societies obsession to measure or to think; if you never had so much money, or never had so much luxury means your life is poor is driving most people to define success by wealth.My view of a poor life is;if at some point you reappraise it and you are not happy at with what you have done with it and you know you could have done more and you feel empty and unfulfilled.And all I can say to you is that,live your life,in such a way that when you look back at it, when you are talking about it, you will feel a sense of worth, a sense of pride and self fulfilment.Be true to your own needs.


Anonymous said…
I am enjoying your blog... another nice piece
Hello there!

Thank you for sharing this!

I have been trying to have discussions at my blog about the ways that black women can alter their self-definition.

I am so happy that you are writing on this!

Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!