Today is the tomorrow you talked about yesterday.

How often do we think in our heads that if tomorrow comes,"I will change that situation or make a better judgment of this or do that or do this" Well today is here,what difference do you want it to make to your yesterday? You do not have to wait till the beginning of the year to have a resolution(S), Now is a crucial moment to your future;a conglomerate of your every action makes up your future. Make making resolutions a as you go thing(just like pay as you go)in your life;daily,hourly,minute by minute and on per second basis. I am not saying do not give time to thinking things through, i am talking about things like lousy attitudes,poor time culture,dishonesty,procrastinating,lack of responsibility,forgetfulness,gluttony and much more. As you go into a new week, think about it!


Gistmaster said…
Thinking B, i am happy that u are adding value to the lives of millions of people out there.I am inspired!