Health is wealth.

In the last two years or so,I have visited my general practitioner more than twenty times, complaining about a health issue or another. Some so crucial I was referred to different consultants and specialists.Then I suffered a massive hip and leg pain for over one year continously and it was so bad i couldn't walk straight but tilting and hopping at times. The many sleepless nights that i was in excruciating pain that numbed my senses and brought my tolerance level to zero, so much that i thought of giving upm more than once as i wanted it to end as soon and in any way possible.It was a nightmare,traumatic and demoralising for me. So you can imagine my relief and utter joy when recently i received my healing. It was a combination of total faith of agreed prayer support by my faith abiding friend and sheer audacity to travel miles and miles to seek another expert opinion. But i was disappointed to find out that the reason for my pain stemmed from a minor sports injury i had ignored as soon as it occurred and it grew worse.I felt i had abused myself. With a repentance heart and awareness, i am well on my way to full recovery.I cherish my health better now and wouldn't for a billion(£,$)compromise it in any way ever again. You know sometimes we assume we will always have good health even when we are abusive our health,well i pray so but, but we must take the responsibility of staying healthy. Watch out for the symptoms and signs your body gives you and have it checked out as soon as possible. Ladies there are many routine check ups that is a must for us. Some on a monthly basis and some yearly and some when we experience the slightest irritation such as checking our breasts for any changes,lumps after our periods every month. There is also the smear test for sexually active women, for early detection of any changes to the neck of the womb that can lead to cervical cancer.This is not yearly but 3-4 years mandatory check,unless there was an irregularity in a previous test result would you need to do it sooner. For both sexes the check for diabetes is important once your tummy is beyond 80cm for women and 94cm in men of Afro caribean and south Asian origins. Men there is the need to have your health checked out too, for angina,prostate cancer,high blood pressure, etc. Please please and please do take your health seriously it is your licence to enjoying your beautiful walk in life and long life.Think about it.
