Maximise every opportunity

A friend of mine who keeps a busier diary than i do, told me recently of being lonely,and without social buddies and that came as a shock to me. Well not that i didn't think anyone can't be lonely but knowing how hectic her social life is, i wasn't expecting her to be lonely and with no one to do things with as she rightly puts it.I went on to ask her if she had at all built a social network all these while, (she has been frolicking (pardon my choice of words)with all the creme de la creme of the society)Her reply,a big "not really i am too shy" thus led to today's topic.I do not know about you, but i love the word maximise,it is so encompassing because there is hardly anything you can't maximise.
You can maximise your time, your talent, your knowledge, your skills, ability,personality,creativity,your mind,your thoughts, it all can be stretched to ny heights that you are daring to let or not let it.It means you can choose to go that farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr or this far!My friend in her case chose to maximise her knowledge and time by a busy social life, but she didn't MAXIMISE HER NETWORKING SKILLS, to meet people and develop on it, so that at no point will she be in lack of a social buddy.You and i meet at least 50 new people every week, do we just stick to our old friends and family or are we maximising every opportunity to add to our lives, you know,we as people are the salt of the earth, it is by breaking the barriers, that we can really get to our destiny,it is people that will help you on your journey,someone needs you,or what you have to offer and vice versa.So how about breaking the ice when you meet some one new? "Hi i am ...... and its a pleasure meeting you,how do you do?",that easy or maybe not!But do think about it.
