Risk taking is for the Innovator.

I have taken some risks that of course backfired and the outcome wasn't too great,and on the other hand, boy! Was i grateful i took those risks? YES and enjoyed the positive outcome. But both experience has added to my wealth of knowledge and made me into who i am. Many of us do not like change, but change is the only constant thing in life.
The world is a global village and it is what it is because someone, some group, some culture, some bold, some determined people chose to dare themselves to change the world.You have the privliege of reading this blog from your own part of the world,so does million others, all made possible due to advancement in technology that some relentless people made possible.If you can see failure as; only an attempt,which requires you retrying and seeing setback as resetting to target better, if can turn it into a game; that you will never give up on and never to allow out weigh you, you will make it some day,some how. Dare to be bold and unstoppable.You have as much right as any successful person you know.Its your turn to be celebrated,what are you waiting for?
