There is always a price to pay.

I first heard it many years ago from one my lecturers at university,when at the end of his long lectures,leaves us with research based assignments for the next class, usually the following day,which we moan to and he replies to, always, by saying,
" There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world, there is always a down payment for everything,so don't be fooled by laziness". Many years after, i am a firm believer in that saying.Where ever you want to get to in life don't be fooled there is always a preparation and execution period.Only a few people really get lucky and things happen to them by cheer luck or chance,eg Naomi Campbell,Kate Moss the super models who were discovered on the streets of London.Yes they got discovered, yes it opened doors for them that many wannabes are still trying to get past, but guess what, they have to work like anyone else to reach their fame and acquire their fortunes.They infact put in long hours,unsociable hours in most cases,in all weather, in all places,stretching themselves to be the best and be on top of the game.
Many CEOS,entrepreneurs,sportsmens,successful men and women, do not start at the top, they start from the obscure,the bottom, grooming and harnessing their talents, their vision, their passion,they own their dream,live their dream and breathe their dream, they usually are reclusives or living in solitary at the begining, they are devoted to their aspiration and they always break through.They usually do after several trials and errors, but they keep at it,that is why their success when it finally happens,is mega and impactful. Like Bill Gates,the founder of Microsoft. Imagine if a lawyer, a doctor, a teacher, refuses, to move with time,nor to update themselves with new developments, new technologies, new information? They will become outdated and irrelevant.The world is for flexible people,willing to advance with time and they become timeless.
Your success in anything and everything,is to the degree of the price you are willing to pay for it, be it the price of investment of time, price of delayed gratification,price of self development,self denial,sacrifices and savings or even the price of apprenticeship.What ever you want,think,ask yourself "how badly do i want it? Am i ready to pay the price?" and your self answer is the key to you, achieving your goals,your dreams,your desires.TO BE CONTINUED.
