Do everything to protect your mind.

Do you know the mind is a very powerful tool that we possess.Just like the hard drive in a computer,so is our mind a programmer to our soul.I have read books and even listened to speakers, talk about the importance of guarding our minds.It is very true.BECAUSE EVERYTHING WE DO STARTS WITH A THOUGHT PROCESS.Many things out there is beckoning for our attention,be it the advert,the news report,commments and talks we here,the music,the cds we listen to,everything, virtually everything is craving for our attention to be the centre of our thoughts.So what are you paying attention to? Which of these things have won the battle of possessing your mind.Yet another question actually,Do you pay attention to your thought process, do you know how you make your decisions, do you observe your mind racing with various thoughts and do you pay attention to its commands and prompting or reluctance to obeying your orders many atimes and you surpress it.The biggest question is do you own your mind,do you make up your mind and are you in control of you mind.Or have you lost your mind? ............hmmh.Deep food for thought.


Bruno LoGreco said…
haven't lost my mind yet - But I am totally aware of my thoughts and behavior.

New to your blog - looking forward to reading more.