You are right to feel scared, but do it anyway,

It is human to be scared and also to be afraid, I mean why leave your comfort zone for the unknown? But then look at the advantages change brings with it; Growth, strength,experience,testimony and confidence. Many atimes our dreams and aspirations will require the test of our character and doubt is not too far from the corner of our hearts, but let your vision drive you more than the restrictions of negativity.In some years, you will look back,and be proud you stood still and fought hard and kept moving. Feeling fear is a sign that you are being bold and at work towards making a change,it is a sign of progression,it is a sign of a living being,it is a positive sign. At those times of fear just confront your fears bring what is making you fearful to the open and deal with it and carry on, do not entertain it too much.Channel your focus on your vision.
