Let them say!

When you get grip of what you have been created on the face of the earth for, you will know that you cannot be bothered by the fact that some people are laughing at you. You have to keep focus with your project knowing that the end justifies everything. Great founders of modern discoveries, were laughed at,were thought of as crazy, job less fellows, but if being called a Geek is all I have to stomach,but go on to be counted as one of the richest men on earth like, in the case of Bill Gates the founder of microsoft, then please, let it be so. If laughing at my peculiar hairstyle is what people will focus on while I am one of the best businessmen and property developer in the world like Donald Trump,I have no problem living with that.WHAT I WILL HAVE A PROBLEM LIVING WITH,IS NOT ATTAINING THE CALLING UPON MY LIFE,due to hearsay.Who is man that I should be mindful of him? Please, brace your self and keep on keeping on, the end will separate the wheat from the sheath.I know.


Anonymous said…
very well said!!
BacktoNaija said…
totally, totally, agree. Many use other's lives as a standard or benchmark to evaluate their own lives. Nice post. keep them coming, you're right on target ;)