Please find healing.

Its thinning to the soul to remain down,it is demoralising and unhealthy too. It is not easy to desire to live again,and it is human to grieve,to be down, to lose hope, it happens,but at some point, you have got to try living again,try again,a day at a time. You must find the desire to want to live again,you must find the strength to utter these words; calling your name ".A B I M B O L A....I must live again,I MUST GET UP AGAIN,I MUST CARRY ON FIGHTING,I CANNOT ACCEPT DEFEAT,I CAN NOT STAY DOWN.I MUST NOT GIVE UP".Do everything to stay determined to find a way to live again. Learn the lessons of how you got to be down 1st and do a close analysis of it all and your role in it.Once you have accepted your own failings, then seek knowledge on how to find healing to live again.
I will suggest you use prayer, whatever your faith is, simply say it as it is on your mind to your creator.Tell it all,if you find your self emotional and needing to cry,needing to scream, shout and weep some more,please do not hold back, pour out your grief,your frustration,your vulnerability,lay it all at the alter, take as long as you want,and make sure you vent it all out,ask for the help you need,describe it and specify how and when you need it,but have a goal in mind,that after this cleansing, will come a restoration for you, because,what you are saying is that you are willing to let that hurt go.And continually,say under your breathe,"Dear God please help me"Always say this,as often as you can, at all times,wherever you are.

Write it all in a letter:
If you find praying too hard to deal with at this moment,or in addition to your prayers,you can express your anger,via letter. You may want to say in your own words,what exactly you are hurting about and the effect of that on you,but never ever post that letter to the person(S), find a field and bury it in the soil, nature will know how best to deal with it, but again your focus should be; you are not going back to that hurting feelings after this process.

Visualise your assailant before you:
You can visualise the person(S) that have caused you the pain,as standing right in front of you,infact stand in front of a full length mirror when doing this and express all you have harboured inside, tell it as it is and all that you want to say.Go further to picture them doing to you what you think will give you the healing you need.Be it,that you want them to apologise then picture them doing so.If its an explanation,what ever it is, picture it as what you are receiving.Again you have to leave the pain right there,right then.And never let it have such power over you again.You must be prepared to move on from this point.

Seek help: You can seek help from trusted friends,trusted colleagues and professional help;your religious leaders and role models,from a therapist,a counsellor, a psychologist,or find and read personal development self help books on emotional healiing and restoration.

Lastly,give yourself time to heal,find your own pace,your rhythm,do the things that make you fill special,surround yourself with people that support you,start to live again,even if slow but steadily and remember,what will work,what will make the difference,what will set you free in addition to doing all of the above is to desire to live again. To desire to truly live a joyous life again.To desire to come out on top and call the bluff of your past with such boldness that says it all;"I WILL LIVE AGAIN".
