Take a closer look at your self.

Take a closer look at your self too rather than blaming others for every thing that's and continues to go wrong in your life.What type of a person are you too? You need to look at your own beliefs and approaches to life.Your mannersms,your tolerance level and adaptability.If you are an employee,ask your self if you are adding value to the organisation you work for.Or do you just see your job as a means to an end.Yet that is where you spend the better part of your life especially if you work 9-5 monday to friday every month,every year.
Are you diligent,are you accountable,are you a good team player? What is your time culture like,is it african time or call time?
Can people take your word for it or do they have to think twice? Are you lazy,waiting for manna to fall from heaven or do you carry on preparing waiting for opportunity to meet your preparation? And believe in starting small,humble beginings or do you suffer from the instant gratification syndrome and living way beyond your income? Do you eat because you are hungry or you eat according to the availability of food?
Are you a true friend indeed or a fairweather friend? Are you there for others when they need you or do you think others are there to meet your needs?Do you give the respect you demand from others to them too? Do you plan to fail by not planning or do you plan not to fail by planning? You know, accumulation of all these determines, where your life is heading. So is it time for a make over from inside,out?
