Turn envy into a positive.

Envy can eat deep into a man's heart and make him resent his own life. If only you can interprete envy as a call from within you, that you want more than you are presently achieving,it could be used positively. It means that your subconcious is telling you that you have more within you that can be explored.If you find yourself envious of the rich, it means, you have power to make wealth within, that you haven't tapped into. Whoever,or what ever you are envious of, be it a talent in someone else, their beauty, power to dress well, charisma, you too can be. All you need is to tame your desire to want their own success ,or skimming to take it by force.No.
You need to desire to know how they made it, how it worked for them,and what process they went through and the price they paid to have that thing in their lifes. If I were you, I would even walk up to them, pay them a compliment and tell them of your aspiration to be like them or achieve that. Every man loves accolade,that approach could open doors for you,and you could become their apprentice and on the way to the top. So please,turn your envy into a positive, do something, than day dream to be someone else. Think.
