We all need nurturing.

Giving is a precious thing, be it physical or emotional. But I will like you to broaden you mind and move away from a long held belief that you should give and not expect anything back! My dear people, nurturing is the paramount thing here. It does no one any good to be the giver all the time. We all need somebody or something of a nurture too. And nurturing one another, guarantees our continous receiving. Imagine if you only receive from someone and you don't look out for their needs too, it won't be long before they are burnt out and you would have roasted your goose that gave you golden eggs in one go. Little things like appreciation, a little note of thank you, going out of your way to meet their own needs too, or surprising them , or sticking to them too in time of need, being dependable is what any two way relationship should beget. Nobody is a super power or super strong person. Do not take them to be so,even if they seem so to be able a strong tower or reliable, they may be beibg strong for you, but every body does need a shoulder to lean on. Even the strong loves to know that someone cares for them, believe me. Be that person.
