The move continues.

It is a beautiful day, a new day and its so glorious to be alive.Onward soldiers, lets carry on with our assignments.Let's not leave room for lethargy.Was your soul weary over the weekend? Common,find 5 things that makes life worth it and make it a reason to live this week to the fullest.
You that strong, determined, purpose driven, destiny achieving man and woman, GET UP AND GO! There is no time for self pity, remember our slogan! Keep moving on! Its not over till its over! Okay how about the fact that the world is waiting for you! Your mark! PEOPLE DEPEND ON YOU!
See! you crossed last week's hurdle,you are still standing, that is an achievement,no matter how small it seem or insignificant you think it is! You are more than able, the strength is within you, you can do it again. So Get up AND GET GOING! ITS A BEAUTIFUL DAY, A NEW DAY.Go all out for it and make it happen!
