Dear people it is about time that we put FEAR in its place(out of our minds).Fear has turned many heros into mere mortals.It has made,"could have been" witty inventions,gone to the grave with their carriers unused and guess what,it is still attacking and pulling down 100s,1000s and millions of people.We give in to it without a fight,infact it abides in us freely,it consults on our affairs uninvited and we let it.We are constantly giving it our attention,by worrying,doubting,indecisions,anxiety,insomnia and what have you.
It comes in all forms;there is the fear of I might not make it,(even before you have tried?) The fear of what will people say(When did you become mindful of men?)The fear of "I will make a fool of myself"(Comedy is fooling around and you enrich comedians by paying to go watch them do just that!)And besides,if you can't deal with being laughed at,how can you deal with feedback and criticism in life?
Then there is the fear of I am not good enough( to this I would say do not despise your humble beginnings)Practise makes perfect! Other fears include the fear of "I will never get married" (with the state of your life right now, can you marry you if you are the opposite sex?)The fear of repeated failure( that means you are a RHINO, YOU ARE THICK SKINNED, every successful person goes through that!that should tell you you've got something in common with the uncommon!)
You have given too much attention to fear.Decide that you are taking your power back and the way to defeat fear is by feeling the fear and doing what you have to do anyway!
Fear is a false evidence appearing to be real in that situation. It doesn't mind holding you prisoner for a life time. Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee remember, everytime you feel fear,confront it and remind yourself it is just an attention seeking feeling that isn't real. Do not give in to it.
