I look inwardly atimes, so that I can reflect and take stock of the progress I am making with my life.In the cause of doing that,flashbacks of events past do come to the stage of my mind.A lot has happened to get me to where I am today and you realise how you have survived and since moved from those difficult situations you never thought you could survive, and here you are, doing really really well despite what you went through then, at such moment, it gladdens my heart to know I am a survivor and I feel proud of myself and my strength is renewed. It does feel good!!! On another hand,I see the times that were good, full of laughter,adventure,love and innocence and I count that all joy too.They all live in my memory of a time ago.
The good thing about a time ago, is that it is a tool in your hands, you can use it to torment your self and hold yourself captive of the bad experiences and staying down and out, asking yourself why me? or you can use it to help someone else who needs to hear from another that has been through it too, be it good or bad. It is courageous and a bold step to say "I will let my experience, help someone else". That is what i will do.A lot of people are going round and round in circle in their lives, because they do not know "The how".We are all at different levels our life's journey's and need a pointer to what is to come, what to expect.
This is a clarion call, make your experience count, share it with someone else going through a similar thing. Have you been in a hopeless situation before, share it with the hopeless, have you been abused as a child and overcame that and have a healthy adult life now,then share it with abused victims who think they are dirty and at fault for what happened to them.Did you humble beginings include poverty and your determination seen you through and are doing really well, then give hope to the poor. Did you have a unique talent and went through all odds to see it blossom and now you are a professional at it, then share it with the upcoming in that field. We all have a story, a time a go in our life, something we have overcome or dealt with that we can share, it is all that someone else need to hear to have hope and keep living.Your sharing it,makes you stronger and heals you completely and puts you in a whole different league,it is a peaceful encounter. Take the risk, be vulnerable, its the end that justifies it all, do what you have to do. Reach out and share your story.
