You are not insane,to want what you want, to have those desires in your heart.
You are perfectly fine to want to be what and who you want to be.
It is ok to have a different picture of who you are to what other's say or think you are.
You are normal striving to turn into reality the image of you that you carry inside to align with the image on the outside.
It is alright to not be going the same way,at the same time as everyone else.
You may be fighting your own battles all by your self.
You may be using all of your strength to keep going.
You may be called a looser,a dreamer,a non-entity
You may be lonely at heart,misunderstood, misinterpreted.
You may have only a few that believe in you.
You may be a one man band.
You may be your only fan.
All that it truly means,is that you are different.That you are alive and in search of who you are.
To be different is unique
To be different is uncommon
To be different is a mystery.
To be different is potent.
Others who know you know this and await your revelation, the release of the mystique behind you,while only you stop yourself,trying to fit in.
Do not try to fit in, do not try to conform to be accepted, if you were a fake, you would have since conform and easily too, but it hasn't been come easily to you has it? Since your childhood,since you were small, you've always known there is something different about you.
That picture of you within, of whom you really are is authentic.
Trust your intuition, carry on, hold on tight and be happy at your uniqueness for your own well being.
