The believable message of Hope.

The world just got healed,in my view,with the election of the 1st black man president of the United States of America,to the white house,Sen Obarack Obama.
I am grateful to Americans for passing this transformational test that was set before them. THEY STOOD FOR CONSCIENCE.They went past self,race,sex,power and tradition for a change that is historical and visible for generations unborn to carry on from.
The war on Iraq, the terrorist attack on America few years back,and other parts of the globe,the United kingdom included to me on one hand seem to have been about bringing down Superior powers by the oppressed. With Obarack Obama's victory and Americans going beyond that and being true to their conscience sends out a message to the whole world, that it is about Equality,any man as long as he qualifies desires to recieve a FAIR outcome, void of laced superiority on all aspect of humanity. Only then can we experience world peace and truce called.It may not immmediately take away all of the problems of the world,but the outcome today,is a good place to start. It is a believable message of hope.I am glad I lived to see this history being made.
