Your Choices

The Choices you make when you are going through diffcult times will determine how quickly you come out of it.You may choose to drown in your sorrow and continually go around with a quiver full of sorrow,Or!you can say "Alright,here it stops" And continue in your lifes Journey.
I like to emphasise,here that whatever you are gleaning from,becomes your focus.Out there is an abundance of information,services,mostly free for that matter that can get you going again.
You will need to make "get up and get going" your decor and attitude to life.If you need healing,the help tool is out there;counselling,coaching,writings,music,films, books,support groups,friends,family etc that will see you through the hard times.If you need love,it is readily available,If your open your eyes, heart and mind to recieve it again.To excel in life, we need to develop a mental toughness to rise above everything that life throws at us , we have the right to be here and be happy too. Why should we then give anything that says otherwise the power over us.Do not let your countenance fall,watch over it,guard it jealously and do all you can to remain up.So my dear look at the choices you are making, are they lifting you up or taking you down?
