Imagine two people walking into a room, one enters with a huge smile on her face and the other with no expression at all, tell me who would you most likely want to meet and talk to!
Tip number one: Always smile with your eyes,lips and cheeks when you smile, especially when come into a room, are meeting people for the 1st time,just as you are about to speak or waiting in line to be attended to. It instantly says about you that,"I am friendly and approachable"

Tip number two: When you introduce yourself,are writing about your self ,talking about yourself,always start with your strengths,what you are good at, what you are grateful for and mean it,the truth is its your one minute chance to let the other person remember you positively for who you truly are and that,that you believe about yourself.

Tip number three:Carry your self in a way that says very important personality, "VIP" Imagine that you are a role model (and you are directly or indirectly) worthy of emulating,comport yourself in that manner always!

Tip number 4:
Always return a thank you with a smile and a little bow of your head as you repeat "thank you" for the second time,to anyone who has paid you a compliment.

Tip number 5: Determine ahead of the day,what sort of day,your day is going to be like; be it a good day,quiet day, cluttered day, moody day, sad day, troubled day, whatever catches your fancy,and inwardly steer your self towards having that type of a day,by continually checking with your self on how your day is going and adjust your mood,thoughts and responses/reactions to align with your determination!

Tip number 6: Always remember to pep talk yourself at the end of the day; congratulating your self for going thorough the day by simply saying ("your name eg Abimbola well done self, you did well today") it is just the reverse of us kicking ourselves,which is often what we do!

Remember practice makes perfect, the more you use these tips on a daily basis the more your self esteem improves.

Have a nice day.
