Desire is not enough.

Each passing day,I picture in my minds eye,those things that I desire in my life.Things like,a book to my name,becoming a world class speaker,a successful entrepreneur and an active social change leader. Like I said a day does not go by without one or two of these wishes,finding its way to the front burner of my heart. I then started pondering,why is my desire for these same things so so strong,day after day and year after year and yet having done nothing about it,still will not go away? Could it be because,I really wanted to experience them in my life time and that somewhere inside of me,I believe it has the potential to become my reality? I got excited,so what am I going to do about it,was my next question to myself,then it hit me,I came to the realisation that,I may desire something, but it is not enough reason to make it come to pass,until when my desire turns to passion and my passion with commitment lead me to take dedicated action to see my desire come to pass.That is the only way,I can live my desires.It is not by wishful thinking,nor day dreaming.
Imagine if a doctor had only stopped at the point of wishing to become a doctor and and had not gone on to medical school,or a musician only wishing for an album in his heart but never getting to the recording studio to produce one or a man wishing for a wife but not seeking out any woman who can then become his wife? Or President Obama only wishing to be the first black American president without then joining a political party,getting nominated and going all the way of the campaign to the very end where he was elected!
Desire is not just enough,we must also communicate our desires,because it is by asking that we find answers,suggestions,help towards making our heart desire a reality.
Unless you want it to remain exactly what it is, mere desire, then you do not have to take any action,but I know my desires are too real to be be left at that,I may as well get on with it,and when I break through,be jubilant for me.Or I for you,if you will decide to do something about it today!
