Its a new month, the month of August, the month of completion and I am happy to be alive and so should you If for no other reason than the fact that you made it through and some people didn't.
What's more interesting is,the good news I want to share with you.This month is a fresh start,a month of SUDDENLY.
It is a month that will bring you,sudden answers,sudden breakthroughs,sudden ideas,sudden open doors,innovations,sudden new connections,sudden promotions, sudden new appointments.
This month of suddenly,will bring forth the sudden realisation of who you are and the full potential you carry.Suddenly you will be lifted up,never to be down ever again. Suddenly your status will change in this month for good,sudden new introductions, sudden new relationships will be established,certain dead bones will suddenly live again,sudden new businesses will spring forth,sudden strength will go to the weak and weary minded,situation of hopelessness will suddenly be turned around and there will be illumination and hope anew. Sudden restoration of losses will take place in our lives in this month and beyond,but of course if only you believe and feel entitled.So let your expectation be high and do not delay in taking action. There are three truths that should guide you regularly,

1.Settle the issue of who you are once and for all and confidently work in that knowledge always, a storm may arise and issues may crop up, it SHOULDN'T SHAKE THE CORE OF YOUR FOUNDATION,it doesn't change the fact that you are great and unique and blessed.
I have never met any,one successful person, who has told me life is easy and that every thing works for them all the time!
Life isn't easy and in life every one has there own fair share of issues, it shows you have something in common with the successful,it means you are heading for the top!
That,that you are experiencing is your own fair share,you do have a choice to want to deal with it, find what needs to be done about it, get fixing it,or to go personalising it but I repeat, you are the best thing that could have happened to humanity and you are unique and wonderfully made,This is not A PERSONAL ISSUE. Its called Life's fair share of uncertainties!

2.Action: You see the difference between the successful,the effective people and the non effective people is that the successful,effective people, choose to keep going even when the chips are down.They choose to go all out for that that they believe in, they have long settled in their hearts and know that they are blessed and made for success and can see it already,so they go about making their inner picture a reality on the outside.
Under this atmosphere of suddenly, be sensitive,take immediate actions,do not delay, be at alert, be responsive than reactive.

3.Lastly people, this last truth is the joker,its the main key to connect you to your suddenly and it is Prayer. Positive declarations as some of you may call it,It is a tool in the hand of the wise. A lot of things are competing for your attention to take your mind,your focus off the purpose, the vision, your dream,your greatness,that is what procrastination is,stagnation,hitting hard walls,intimidation, poverty, delayed results, ill health, gossips about you,financial lack,low self esteem,labouring,near success syndromes etc. All these are plagues to divert your energy to other things than focusing on your true potential and productivity.
There are over a billion people on the face of the earth all entitled to greatness,just like you are and all wanting their own greatness to take precedence and you do not think saying a prayer is worth it to command the earth,the cosmic, the celestial world we live in,of your desired/expected outcome, that consecrating s of yourself and opening your mouth at all times(other than for eating alone) and declaring it,worthy of it? Then you wonder what the others know that you do not know, the secret is out and you now know. It is Prayers,if you will take Action with it is another thing.!
Again I say, Suddenly there was an out pour of abundance..........for those who know who they are,who take action and Pray.

Determine if you are the receiver, but it is a must that it pours!
