I am free indeed!

Blueblueberryberry cocktail with mint, close-upLife is a gift bestowed upon you the moment you are born,you did not ask for it. Each day that you remain alive is a brand new gift. Again,you have no say in it.
Do you see it as such,a gift? Do you accept the gift? Now, that was a rhetorical question,reflect on it.
Do you unwrap each day in the excitement of receiving that fresh lease of life or do you not even count it to be so?
Many things are happening all around and so fast too.
It continues to make me think of the quality of my life and life in general. Some close people have lost loved ones suddenly,they didn't even get the chance to say good bye.Painful!
So also have some dear ones been blessed with new additions to their families,such is life!
There is always going to be the good and the bad times.
What does it all really mean, Life? What does it all amount to?
All I know is that what I choose to spend my lifetime doing goes a long way in determining the quality of my life.
"Whether we make ourselves miserable or make ourselves stronger,the amount of work is the same".A SAYING BY CARLOS CASTANEDAS.
Where lies your focus,are you utterly living for someone else's acceptance or spending more time doing what brings you happiness.
We are so concerned about what others have,chase after what we do not have, conclude that what we don't have is all we need,to feel that we have,we take for granted that that we have.

We are suspicious of everything and everyone else and yes I do know that the world is full of tricksters,but we are too busy protecting ourselves than really living life to the fullest.
We stop ourselves from everything,we live by limitations.

We do not celebrate what we have in common, but emphasise what differentiates us. Yet we are all after one thing, to love and be loved in return.
I do not want to be driven by the fabric of society anymore. I want to be free, FREE INDEED.
I want to be grateful for what I have in my life,I know I have a lot, I have in abundance,I have been small minded not to see the plenty in what I have.
I want to start enjoying the little things that truly matter in life. That I woke up this morning is a huge gift.
I will guard my soul and spirit from the largess of discontentment, envy ,jealousy because I know I have been created whole.
I am going to enjoy the gift of life that I have, I will not withhold my laughter, my joy will no longer be contained.
I deserve to be truly happy and I will not let anything steal that from me. Today I set my self free and I am free indeed.
You are invited too!
