People in our lives.

We all need people in our lives, but it is also important to discern the role that someone plays. We tend not to take the time to analyse the relationship we have with them.
Some people are out to steal your dream and destroy you,they want to use you to meet their own agenda, they are envious of you and want what you have,they do not genuinely love anyone else but themselves,and usually you have made them your confidante.Even when your gut instincts warned you about them.They are calculating in every way.But don't beat yourself up if you trusted,they are greedy and shameless prepared to lose face,self respect and dignity you once thought they had.
You now know what has been in their hearts all along and why they came into your life.
They are called desperadoes using as many many people as they can get away with.
They are far removed from the truth,they believe they are the wisest,smartest and when challenged,they boast of how they can destroy people.
They forget there are consequences for their actions.These sort of people are out to drain your energy through useless talk and idleness. They are the kind of people not going anywhere with their own lives.

Yet,there are other people who are a blessing in disguise; they stick close assisting you in upholding your dreams and aspirations, motivating you and respecting you,you can see they are not schemers and plotters, they just like you and want the best for you.They do not want anything in return from you.They have remained true to you over the years, even when you have disagreements,their credibility is still intact.They respect themselves enough and you respect them regardless.
Having said all that,we need people in our lives that are fearless; telling us what we may not want to hear and willing to face our wrath than to see us fail. –Tough Love. As humans we need validation but this can be the basis for some bad habits and lifestyle being adopted; whereby anyone in your life will do than nobody at all. That is why some people stay in abusive relationships whether physical, verbal, financial or emotional. Some people have been abused all their lives and now see it as being okay. But no, abuse isn't okay!
You are better than that. You are a precious person, to be valued and shown love, only the best is good enough for you.
Negative people are more critical than supportive of your dreams, vision and goals. They laugh at you, waste your time and sap your energy.
On the other hand positive people help you to pursue your dreams, vision and goals. These people are not afraid to criticise you in love, cheer you up when you are down and remind you of the good in you.
If the people in your life only tell you, the good and not the bad and the ugly, then watch out because we do have the good the bad and the ugly in us all.
Relationships are paramount to taking us to or away from our destiny. People are doors to our destiny or destruction.
People are like elevators they either take you up or down, so please, cultivate a discerning spirit to what role someone is to play in your life.
You will be glad you did.


The Activist said…
"People are like elevators they either take you up or down, so please, cultivate a discerning spirit to what role someone is to play in your life.
You will be glad you did".

This said it all!