Our society is rife with emotional blackmail,most, if not all, are perpetuators to varying degrees.Everyone wants the other to be fearful of him or her or at the least,be intimidated. Police and army officials at check points,cock their guns and are at attention just to get the bus conductors to drop some change or make a life lifeless if there is no cooperation. Workers are subjected to all kinds of micro managing and sycophancy is the order of the day,just because there are no jobs and each one knowing how they got theirs cant imagine being out of it, thus conform to the status quo. As a beginner or entrant into any field of work, team or an existing setting, you dare not show your enthusiasm,ability and dreams just yet, "you that only just got there" musst wait to be deemed worthy in the mean time get ready to be snubbed,ostracised, pulled down by the so called "experts or cabals" in there. Religion says to you, u are doomed if you dont follow this very path- for that you can expect to be abducted, kidnapped and God they claim, can send a devourer to your finances because u failed to pay your........fill in the gap. The politicianS THEY ARE ALSO NOT LEFT OUT of the cult like institution that it is where those in a party can't freely relate------- with even family and friends in a different party from them, for the fear of being marked for anti party activities. Government don't deliver to the people because they want them in a continued state of need, that way,they get their own plans delivered, on the part of the people, they will not vote for a plain person without cash,they are afraid of the plain person,because plain to them means poor,just like them,so they vote-in the artificial,the cosmetic surgery one, who comes to buy their votes and indirectly their lives for a cheap price in exchange for a 4 year period of lamentation. The diverse tribes and tongues have to hold the other prisoner, percieve them as inferior and born to serve them,not as intelligent as they are, yet can marry their beautiful girls,use their strong men, tap their talents to develop and live on the spoil of their sweat. The youth(s) that dares challenge or speak up about an injustice by the older,or the power in place, gets labelled and dealt with in many other ways, so they learn to conform. The rich (mostly from contracts from cronies in power or tilting of the system in their favour) feels they have the moral rights to be disdainful of the poor,or anyone whom in their eyes " is not in their class", they intimidate the others as if to say " without power you are nothing,stop crying marginalisation, do what it takes at whatever cost to get some, idiot"."I paid my own f------king price to get here and ain't bothered with a low life who wont too". Soft critism of power,government is better, u stay in the game longer, your voice is heard afterall, the boys understand you have to survive, and every job comes with its own tough terrain! Then wait for this one, the outright demand for sex or an affair or "appreciating you as they put it" could mean-that help,that file,that project,that,that got you the very attention in the 1st place starts to encounter reassessment,dumping down,criticism and termination. And not just single ladies, married ones are not spared and I hear it happens to young men too. "NO HELP TODAY COME BACK WHEN U ARE READY TO PLAY BALL! Lets stop here. You know of other scenarios, so you see,we are all prisoners of emotional black mail,and before you start rejecting and binding it(trusting the spirit cocos)just pause,check in with your conscience and ask yourself if its true or not. Aren't we all looking for a way out of it?-My Memoirs.
